Vishwa Shanti Sarovar, Nagpur


Vishwa Shanti Sarovar

4 Face of Woman
4 Face of Woman
4 Face of Woman
Caring the Warmth
Caring the Warmth
Celebrating Life
Celebrating Life
नशा मुक्त भारत अभियान MOU- LAUNCHING (नागपुर सबजोन )
आध्यात्मिक द्वारा प्रशासन में उत्कृष्टता
आध्यात्मिक द्वारा प्रशासन में उत्कृष्टता
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Welcome Home


for Spiritual & Meditation Learning

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BrahmaKumaris Meditation Center in Nagpur is part of a network of learning and training centers with over a million members worldwide. We are dedicated to individual, social and world transformation through the study and spiritual practice of Raja Yoga meditation. The pathway to individual peace and fulfillment is to realize our original nature as spiritual beings. By restoring our connection with the One Source God Almighty, we can discover meaning and purpose of life. The knowledge and practice of Raja Yoga is helpful in regaining our peace and happiness at the present era.

5 Good Reasons to Study at a Training Centre

We teach Raja Yoga Meditation, Positive Living and Empowerment.

Putting Yourself In the Right Place

Giving yourself the time out you need.

Learning and spiritual reflection

Discover new methods to get the results you want

Accepting the Nurturing

Plant based meals cooked with a lot of love.

Meditating in short bursts

Learn new ways of meditation that can support you

Ready for your Own Transformation?

Join us for life-changing experiences.


One of the simplest definitions of meditation is "Correct use of the mind".

Drop In Group Meditations

Join us for free, casual meditation sessions in a space dedicated to meditation and vibrations of peace.
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The power to remain peaceful is accumulated through truthful actions performed with an elevated intellect.

Raja Yoga Meditation Courses

Learn how the mind works, how to calm the mind and create positive, powerful thoughts that leave you feeling light, clear and happy.
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To empower the self and to develop inner peace and stability,

Spiritual movement

Brahma Kumaris frequently organise seminars on business management and on developing personal life skills.
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Silence is not about sitting down and being passive, but being active in a peaceful way.

Positive Living Courses & Workshops

Join us for one of our workshops and talks on various topics centered around creating better relationships, self understanding and happiness in day to day life.
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Services We offer

Brahma Kumaris provides training for busy professionals, individuals or groups in the field of service, education, media, the arts and others, as well as individuals in leadership roles in companies and organizations both private and public, children six years old and above,

Weekend Retreats

Exploring new topics every month, these Sunday retreats provide a fresh perspective on life's challenges while giving a good experience of silence.

Children & Parents' Retreats

It's time to put away those devices and connect with the real self, thru fun and creative workshop.

Silence Retreats

Experience going inward and staying focused, and cultivate a loving relationship with God.


Inner Peace Inner Power

Take time out to recreate your life. Treat yourself to this precious and very personal time and space.

Holy Week Retreat

Our famous Journey Into Peace retreat to deepen our understanding and experience of ourselves.

Youth Retreat

Live life with a greater understanding of your purpose in this world


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01. Outdoor Spaces

Lush gardens that serve as balm for the soul. Lots of pocket breakout areas for quiet conversations.

Conference room

02. Conference Facilities

Retreat arrangements that ensure you have everything you need for successful  sessions and activities.


03. Accommodation

Clean, spacious private rooms and dorms naturally ventilated by that cool Tagaytay breeze.


04. Meals cooked with Love

Delicious vegetarian meals cooked in a meditative environment. Pure food that facilitates clear thinking.

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05. Solar Power

At our Socio-Spiritual, Multi functional Vishwa Shanti Sarovar Traning Center there is 100 KWp Grid Tide Solar Power Plant. This is one of the largest one of its kind in Vidarbha. It is fully sponsored by Ministry of Energy, New & Renewable Energy Govt. of Maharashtra through the keen & wholesome efforts of Hon’ble Shri. Chandrashekharji Bawankule (Minster of Energy Govt.of Maha.)

 This is a step & Vision of Brahma Kumaris to make India a Pollution free Nation & Environment friendly Nation.


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Sep 2022
आध्यत्म और मूल्य शिक्षा - श्रेष्ठ संस्कृति निर्माण का आधार
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Aug 2022
रोग निदान शिविर - १५ अगस्त २०२२
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March 2022

आत्मनिर्भर किसान अभियान ब्रह्माकुमारीज, नागपुर
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March 2020

शाश्वत यौगिक खेती एवं सम्पूर्ण ग्राम विकास का आधार - आध्यत्मिकता

Meditate inside yourself...

I am Peaceful Pure Powerful Happy Loving Blissful Knowledgeful Soul

Our well-wishers say

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जब से वे ब्रह्माकुमारीज से जुड़े वे अपने ऑफिस को मंदिर समझते है और सभी की मदद करते है |विश्व शांति सरोवर के प्रति शुभकामना व्यक्त करते कहा की इस रिट्रीट सेण्टर पर दूर -दूर से लोग आकर भगवान का परिचय प्राप्त करेंगे |

Nanda Jichkar Former mayor of NMC

मुझे ब्रह्माकुमारी संस्था में आने पर शांति मिलती है और सब थकान दूर हो जाती है | विश्व शांति सरोवर को शुभकामना देते हुए कहा की यह स्थान दुनिया में नाम कमाएंगा

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