Vishwa Shanti Sarovar, Nagpur


Vishwa Shanti Sarovar


The Brahma Kumaris was launched in 1936 during the time of the British Raj. India was still ‘undivided India’ which at that time consisted of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as one. It was before the second world war, and India was yet to become independent. The partition of Pakistan and Bangladesh from India was a very difficult time filled with violence and prejudice… The organisation was started in Hyderabad Sindh (a part of original Pakistan) however, it was decided they would be safer in India so they travelled over the border into Rajasthan and settled high in the Aravali Mountain Range in the hilltop district of Mt Abu.

Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani


Who was he? ​

Brahma Baba, born into a humble home as Lekhraj Kripalani in the 1870s, was the son of a village schoolmaster. Lekhraj was brought up within the disciplines of the Hindu tradition. After different jobs, he entered the jewellery business, later earning a considerable fortune as a diamond trader. He was the father of five children and a leader within his local community, known especially for his philanthropy. In 1936, around the time when most people at his age start to plan their retirement, he actually entered into the most active and fascinating phase of his life. After a series of deep spiritual experiences and visions, he felt an extremely strong pull to give up his business and dedicate his time, energy and wealth to laying the foundations of what later would become the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

Between 1937 and 1938, he formed a Managing Committee of eight young women and surrendered all his property and assets to a Trust administered by them. 

The Experiences of Dada Lekhraj​

In 1936 at the peak of his career he began to have a series of visions that showed him the future of the world. The vision were so profound that he decided to dedicate his life to what he saw.  So Dada left his thriving career and started a Spiritual Satsang called Om Mandali in Hyderabad Sind.

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A Special Jewel​

During the early times of Om Mandali a young girl by the name of Radhe happened upon the Om Mandali. Even though she was young, she demonstrated wisdom beyond her years and was given the name of Mama out of respect.

Partition: Moving to India

In spite of the incredible social upheavals which were going on in pre-Partition India, these people came together, initially in Hyderabad and a year later they moved to Karachi. With time, a simple and clear body of knowledge about the nature of the soul, God and time became revealed. In 1950 (two years after Partition), the group moved to its present location in Mount Abu, India. Until then, these nearly 400 individuals lived as a self-sufficient community, devoting their time to intense spiritual study, meditation and self-transformation. 

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Dada Lekhraj Puts Women in Front

Dada Lehraj becomes Brahma Baba and puts young girls in charge of the Spiritual University under the guidance of Om Radhe (aka Mama).

The Life of Jagadamba

During her lifetime Mama had a significant impact on most people. She was a calming force wherever she went. She was also found with Cancer early in her life – which she lived with for many years – gracefully. She finally succumbed in June of 1965.

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The Passing of Brahma

The passing of Brahma on 18 January 1969 was sudden and unexpected.  Many wondered what the future would hold… Incredibly his passing opened up the expansion of the Yagua into foreign countries and began a brand new chapter as westerners came to learn meditation and be apart of the organisation.

After guiding the creation of many Brahma Kumaris centres throughout India, he passed on in January 1969. The Tower of Peace on the Madhuban campus is a tribute to the invincible spirit of this ordinary human being who achieved greatness by rising to the challenge of the deeper truths of life. 

The Next Chapter... Expansion

After the passing of Brahma Baba many wondered how the Brahma Kumaris could continue now that their founder had passed. It was a difficult time for the senior sisters, as they had grown up with Baba, and never imagined him not being there. Dadi Prakashmani and Didi Manmohini guided the organisation through the passing of Baba and then continued as caretakers of the organisation.

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The First Raja Yoga Centre in UK

The seminal Raja Yoga centre is established in Tennyson Road. Senior sisters come and go to sustain the centre, including Nirmala and Rattan Mohini (Dadi). It would be almost three years before Dadi Janki would establish a real presence in London. 

Dadiji's Dream for the UN

When Dadi Prakashmani first traveled to New York and learnt about the United Nations she felt aligned to the causes completely and her immediate vision was to create a BK presence at the UN to support the UN’s international work towards global peace.

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Dadi Janki Moves to London

Dadi Janki travels to London from India and establishes the first international meditation centre. Starting with the small house at 96 Tennyson Road (Kilburn) Dadi remains in the UK for four years before returning to her native land of India.

Brahma Kumaris at the UN

Dadi Janki travels to London from India and establishes the first international meditation centre. Starting with the small house at 96 Tennyson Road (Kilburn) Dadi remains in the UK for four years before returning to her native land of India.

Dadi Janki At United Nations

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Expansion Time

From 1990 through to 2000+ was a time of rapid expansion for the BK’s into various countries. Our investment was to create retreat centres where people could step out of their lives and into a peace filled space to develop their own connection and relationship with Peace.

Dadiji's Passing...

Our lovely Dadji left her body in Mt Abu on 25th August, 2007 aged 87. And Religious leaders, Politicians, Social leaders, Activists, Statesmen, Ambassadors, Industrialists, Businessmen, Judges, Media persons, Bureaucrats, Educationists from cross sections of society paid homage to Dadi Prakashmani, the late Chief of Brahma Kumaris. Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, former President of India termed Dadi Prakashmani as a visionary institution builder and shared how wisely she had said that it was the power of silence which constituted common basis for blending and development of science and spirituality..

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Brahma Kumaris World Wide in 2019

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University now has over 8,500 Locations across 130 Countries and more than 1 million daily students. For more than 80 Years they have developed all kinds of spiritual programs to enhance a peaceful life. Their current Administrative head is 103 years of age in 2019 and doing just fine.

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