Vishwa Shanti Sarovar, Nagpur


Vishwa Shanti Sarovar


Brahma Kumaris Waghbil Thane West Thane Meditation Centres Xyg5yyi0h0

Drop In Group Meditations

Meditating in a group is extremely helpful for the aspiring meditator.  It’s good for the experienced one too!

When we meditate in a group we are naturally helped along by the energy of everyone else making the same type of effort and creating a powerful atmosphere together through their thinking.

Our meditations are sitting meditations – we do not lie down.  Our rooms are furnished with seats, and cushions are available for those who like to sit on the floor.  The sessions will either be silent with some intermittent gentle music, or a combination of silence and guided meditations.


Raja Yoga Meditation Courses

All locations offer our core curriculum courses in Raja Yoga Meditation.  There are two Courses  – Introductory Course and Intermediate Course. Each Course has 5 lessons and each lesson is 90 minutes long. The Courses are designed to be interactive. 

What you will learn …

  • learn how to meditate anytime, anywhere
  • experience the beauty of the true self
  • understand the nature of consciousness
  • connect with energy of The Divine
  • equip yourself with spiritual tools for everyday living
  • learn benefits of a clean and healthy lifestyle
At The Center Banner

Casual Talks & Classes

If you’re not sure you’re ready for a meditation practice, or you meditate already and would like to enhance your practice or your life in general, our casual talks and classes on meditation and ways to empower yourself may benefit you.  Most of our locations offer these talks and classes.

A variety of topics are covered like, Understanding the Workings of the Mind, Gaining Greater Clarity, Learning how to Manage your Thoughts, Overcoming Overthinking, Overcoming Anger, Developing Inner Peace and Inner Power, etc. 

Experienced Brahma Kumaris tutors facilitate our courses and workshops. Meditation is always included.

Brahma Kumaris Waghbil Thane West Thane Meditation Centres Xyg5yyi0h0

Positive Living Courses & Workshops

To support you in your meditation practice and your life in general, many of our teaching locations also offer positive living courses (or workshops) like, Positive Thinking, Positive Awareness, Don’t get Mad, get Wise – Overcome Anger, and The Quest for Well-being – Using the 8 Spiritual Powers.

The duration of these vary – some may be a few hours, others a full day, or held over a couple of weekends.

Experienced Brahma Kumaris tutors facilitate our courses and workshops. Meditation is always included.

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Spiritual movement

Seminars or Workshops will take up different topics that will introduce some techniques in Raja Yoga meditation as well as look at the practical application of spirituality in daily life. You can also take walks on the promenade by the sea. Spend one day or an half day to re-treat yourself to the treasures of your spirit.   

Several Seminars, Workshops has been conducted for Employees working in EB, Police Dept., Court campus, Banks and Government offices, Private institutions for Stress Management, Self Management Leadership, Harmony in Relationship, Life without Friction, How to avoid Tension and live happy etc.

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